
Mt. Zion UMC

Our Ministries

Members of the Mt. Zion United Methodist Church are very active in supporting our community. In fact, we often times refer to ourselves as a community church for the community. It means that we want to help others by providing several services for the community and that can include many things.

It is the Methodist faith that brings our members together in the spirit of helping those around us. If you would like to become active in any of these ministries it is greatly appreciated. These next several pages will give you a better idea on what we can get involved in.

Our ministry doesn’t just stay local. We support many regional non-profit organizations and nationally we support UMCOR. This worldwide organization is known for helping disaster areas all over the world and in most cases are the last to leave an area that has been hit by a natural disaster. UMCOR brings God’s hope, healing and renewal to those affected by the disruption in more than 80 countries. www.umc.org